it was a home potluck celebration. simple, fulfilling, happy.
grandma was happy, so were her great grandchildren! =D
so so so cute. hahaha.
i'm so in love with his tee. hahaha! he stood there with his stomach out for the few of us to take picture of it. we asked him to "SMILE!", and he ignored us! haha.
anyways, today i was having lunch, (oh ya my lunch and dinner tonight were exactly the same dishes as yesterday's dinner!!! left over mah..) i flipped over my plate randomly. and i saw this..........
i used to put this plate into the microwave oven MANY TIMES to heat up food. oh wells. if i have kidney stones when i'm old, i noe the reason why. hahaha. i wun ever do it again liao man. scaryyyy.
anyways, this is just for laughs! catch my cute niece goes "boink~". damn hilarious. but i was retarded, only start recording after she "boink~" for so many times. hahaha!
oh yeaaaa. anyway, i've signed up for RMIT's Bachelor in Business (Accountancy)! together with shuwen and valerie. school's gonna be so so good. 2 years.. very fast one.. still haven got my acceptance though! hahaha. i really hope they give me a place there. cuz i cant wait for school to start! =D
say HI to MONDAY! it's gonna be another long long week to go!
at 10:03 PM =l
".me. "
Tan Wan Qi
be more organized
stay focus on my passion
have MORE kind souls in the world
have 48hrs a day. =/